Michael Bobay
Photographic Artwork

Pushes the Boundaries Between Photography and Painting

abstract paint
yellow orange flower

Michael Bobay

With years of experience as an art consultant in Carmel, California, and having been exposed to an extensive array of artistic genres, Michael was particularly intrigued by the works of painters of abstract art. Several local artists that he has met over the years, Jerry Takigawa, Barry Masteller, Dick Crispo, John Cortese, and Jim Casteel, to name a few, especially influenced his appreciation of the emotional and psychological aspects of abstract art. He was also influenced by the paintings of Kandinsky, Mondrian, and Jackson Pollack, along with the pointillistic colors of Pissarro, Seurat, and others.

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Michael began to visualize abstract imaging in simple, everyday subjects—subjects that most anyone else would perceive only at face value. The subject matter was selected from a variety of sources for shape and/or composition, original color, and light-dark values; no staging was involved. Photographs were taken, and after downloading them to his computer, he would alter the light and color values of the photographs to create images that were unrecognizable from the original subject. The resulting photographic creations can often be mistaken for abstract paintings.

Having no formal art education and discovering late in life the ability to create, Michael has come to realize the resulting satisfaction one experiences by creating an image that exists nowhere else.

Michael Bobay's artwork can be purchased here.

If you have difficulty navigating fineartamerica or need further information, please contact me directly.